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2023 Events & Workshops at Buffalo Gap

The 5Rhythms® of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, and Stillness form ‘The Wave’, a simple movement meditation practice that encourages us to find our own dance of embodied feeling and to discover ourselves at our most fluid and creative level. The Rhythms are different ways of moving that are related to different ways of being in the world. As we practice them, we bring more of ourselves –body, heart, mind & soul- into movement, on the dance floor & out in the world. There are no steps to learn and it can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of age, fitness, ability, or experience.


Registration information here

Registration is now open for our 2023 Summer Intensive at Buffalo Gap Retreat Center in West Virginia.

Monday, July 10th - Sunday, July 16th.
Spiralheart is a community within the Reclaiming tradition of earth-centered spirituality. We gather annually for a week long WitchCamp, and many more times a year for local workshops, core classes that teach Reclaiming Tradition principles, community rituals, organizing meetings, and others community-building events. Many local Reclaiming communities within our region also hold their own events and rituals. This year's camp theme is The Descent of the Inanna.            

Learn more at 

Renew & Reclaim: Wellness Weekend


What to expect: Creativity Workshops, Group Coaching, Yoga, Meditation, Community Building, Hiking, Swimming & Campfire Gatherings; Add-on Private Coaching & Massage Services.

What you’ll take away: Renewed peace of mind, increased sense of calm, nourishment, a reclaimed sense of agency, and opportunities to further invest in yourself!


Register at

Renew and Reclaim v.June.png

Our Address

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229 Cool Creek Rd. 

Capon Bridge, WV  26711

call Buffalo Gap Retreat
email Buffalo Gap Retreat

202-422-7540 / 304-359-4884

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